Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Present: A Coral Beauty

I got to check out a new LFS today and they had some Coral Beauties.  It's been on my list so I went ahead.  I liked the coloration of the one I bought, particularly the blue on the edges of the dorsal and tail fins.

This will be the first new fish I introduce via the quarantine tank.  I had a bit of a scare with white spots on my Yellow Tang the week I bought it, so I decided from then on out I would be quarantining all new comers.  Although the Yellow Tang seems fine, now, I figure quarantining is a good habit to get into.

I brought over the foam filter that's been sitting in the refugium of my display tank.  I removed some sponge fragments and detritus. I also turned the power head back on and added ten more gallons of new salt water.

Overall, the water parameters looked good.  Phosphates were a little high at 20 ppm, but pH, ammonia and nitrates were fine.

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