Saturday, May 4, 2013

Plastic Cage for the Chaetomorpha

My chaeto has been getting stuck near the baffle.  Although it's a high flow area, part of the chaeto is exposed to the air and the rest of it does not tumble around as it's supposed to.

So I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and found a clear plastic crate that was the perfect size for my sump.  I drilled out a grid of holes on the bottom of the crate.  Then I set it on its side in my refugium, keeping the chaeto submerged inside of it.  The chaeto is also now directly in front of the light, so that may also help it grow.

Although I've had the lights off in my tank, the nuisance algae is still growing.  Hopefully this little adjustment will help the chaeto do its job.  If not, I may get a more powerful light for the refugium, as well.

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