Wednesday, May 8, 2013

SpectrePure MaxCap RO/DI System

I had read that purifying tap water through reverse osmosis and de-ionization has numerous benefits for achieving a well-balanced, marine ecosystem.  However, since I never did that for my freshwater and it requires a new piece of hardware, I initially decided hold off.  Well, it's been a couple of months now and while my fish and shrimp are doing fine, the algae is still a problem.  And while my tap water only has a total dissolved solids (TDS) reading of 25 ppm (which seems pretty low), I considered purchasing an RO/DI unit an investment that was ultimately the right thing to do.
I decided to buy a SpectrePure MacCap RO/DI unit that's capable of producing 90 gallons per day.  This was more expensive than the cheapest models out there, but time is so precious these days that I was pretty sure I would appreciate having something faster than slower.  We'll see over time.  

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